Private-owned Enterprises Took over 80% of Longyan Gross Foreign Trade in H1

上半年龙岩市外贸总值 民企占比超八成

Fujian Daily report (Reporter Dai Min, Correspondent Xiao Ting, Huang Yingjie) On July 21, the reporter was informed by Longyan Customs that the imports and exports of Longyan City soared 21.4 percent over the last year and reached gross 32.4 billion RMB in H1. The soaring of gross imports and exports has run out the other China’s cities for 12 percent, and that of Fujian Province for 9 percent. To be specific, the gross export soared 5.2 percent over thelast year and reached 18.85 billion RMB; gross export soared 54.4percent over the last year and reached13.55 billion RMB.

    本报讯 (记者 戴敏 通讯员 肖婷 黄颖洁) 昨日,记者从龙岩海关获悉,上半年,龙岩市进出口总值324.0亿元,同比增长21.4%,进出口总值增速分别跑赢全国、全省12个、9个百分点。其中,出口总值188.5亿元,同比增长5.2%;进口总值135.5亿元,同比增长54.4%。