Digital intelligence "illuminates" China


The lifecycle intelligent operation and maintenance sandbox displaying the ideal scenario of an integrated rail transit system attracted many visitors. (Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Shi Chenjing)

展示轨道交通一体化系统理想场景的全生命周期智能运维沙盘吸引了众多参观者。 (福建日报记者 施辰静 摄)

At the Digital China Innovation Contest, DCIC 2024, young contestants competed using AI robots. (Photo by Fujian Daily reporter You Qinghui)

2024数字中国创新大赛上,青少年选手用AI机器人一较高下。(福建日报记者 游庆辉 摄)

Young audience experience the cardiopulmonary resuscitation testing robot. (Photo by Fujian Daily reporter You Qinghui)

小观众体验心肺复苏教考机器人。(福建日报记者 游庆辉 摄)

FJSEN report on May 27 (Fujian Daily Reporter Zhang Ying) "Unlock the value of data and develop new productive forces." The 7th Digital China Construction Summit outlined a vivid picture of the transformation and development of various industries and the shared digital profits among all citizens.

东南网5月27日讯(福建日报记者 张颖)“释放数据要素价值,发展新质生产力。”第七届数字中国建设峰会勾勒出一幅各行业转型发展、全民共享数字红利的生动图景。

At the forum, experts, scholars, and industry elites expressed their views on the future of the digital economy. There was hot discussion about the increasing consolidation of digital infrastructure and data resource systems, and the deep integration of digital technology with the economy, society, and other aspects. "Computing power" and "large models" became popular keywords.
