China's 40th Gold Medal! Fujian athlete Li Wenwen achieved successive championship


FJSEN report on August 11 (reporter Chen Qiaoling) On August 11, in the Women's +81kg Weightlifting Match, Fujian athelete Li Wenwen achieved championship with a total score of 309kg, including the Snatch 136kg and the Clean Jerk 173kg. It is the 40th Gold Medal achieved by China's athlete reps team in the Paris 2024 Olympics, and China's athlete weightlifting team is delighted by Li Wenwen's successive championship in the last day of the Paris 2024 Olympics.  

东南网8月11日讯(本网记者 陈巧玲)11日,在女子举重81公斤以上级比赛中,闽将李雯雯以抓举136公斤、挺举173公斤、总成绩309公斤的成绩夺冠。这是中国代表团在巴黎奥运会获得的第40枚金牌,李雯雯的成功卫冕为中国举重队在本届奥运会的收官之战画上圆满句号。

The atmosphere at the viewing site in Fuzhou is enthusiastic. Photo by FJSEN reporter Chen Qiaoling

福州观赛现场气氛热烈。东南网记者陈巧玲 摄

The atmosphere at the viewing site in Fuzhou is enthusiastic. Photo by FJSEN reporter Chen Qiaoling

福州观赛现场气氛热烈。东南网记者陈巧玲 摄