"A date with China": meeting the ancient city of Zhangzhou, acquiring millennium memories, and feeling the charm of southern Fujian culture

“中国有约”:邂逅漳州古城 追寻千年记忆,感受闽南文化魅力

Toby interviewed the puppeteers on site. (FJSEN reporter Lu Jinfu, Wang Wenqing, Zhang Lizhen)

托比在现场采访了木偶戏演员。(东南网记者 卢金福 王文青 张礼珍 文/图)

FJSEN report on May 19 (FJSEN reporter Lu Jinfu, Wang Wenqing, Zhang Lizhen) In the ancient city Zhangzhou, the history has been over enturies old. On the morning of June 19, "A Date with China·Meet Fujian" 2024 International Media group arrive at the ancient city, Zhangzhou, where they experienced a trip of time between past and present, and the rich intangible cultural heritage and in-depth understanding of the history of the thousand-year-old city and the charm of Southern Fujian culture.

东南网5月19日(东南网记者 卢金福 王文青 张礼珍 文/图)古城悠悠,千年岁月写春秋。19日上午,“中国有约·相约福建”2024年国际媒体采访活动参访团来到了漳州古城,来一场穿越时光的历史之旅,体验丰富的非遗文化,深入了解千年古城的历史瑰宝与闽南文化魅力。

In the photo, Haiwenna dressed in traditional Chinese attire. (FJSEN reporter Lu Jinfu, Wang Wenqing, Zhang Lizhen)

海雯娜身穿中国传统服装拍照。(东南网记者 卢金福 王文青 张礼珍 文/图)

The ancient city of Zhangzhou, with a history for over 1200 years, is considered a "a living old city of thousand years." Nearly 17,000 elderly residents actively preserve the city's history, making it an important part of the nation's first national Southern Fujian cultural ecological protection zone and listed on the first batch of "Chinese Historical and Cultural Blocks."


Neslihan Kilavuz is engaged in handicraft work. (FJSEN reporter Lu Jinfu, Wang Wenqing, Zhang Lizhen)

Neslihan Kilavuz在做手工。(东南网记者 卢金福 王文青 张礼珍 文/图)

Walking through the ancient city, the group felt as if they were in an old yet vibrant world. The city preserves numerous cultural relics and historical sites, including the Dacheng Hall (a hall worships Confucious), Ming Dynasty stone archways, the Lin Family's Ancestral Hall in Zhangzhou, the former residence of the Zhangzhou Prefectural Government Office, the Mansion of King of Shi ("侍王" -- a pre-eminent military leader of the late Taiping Rebellion), as well as Southern Fujian characteristic buildings from different periods such as the Arcaded Bamboo Houses and Fanzai Buildings (Western-style houses) dating back to the Tang and Song dynasties, the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the Republic of China era.


Experiencing micro-carving. (FJSEN reporter Lu Jinfu, Wang Wenqing, Zhang Lizhen)

体验微雕。(东南网记者 卢金福 王文青 张礼珍 文/图)