Chinese Han-style clothes celebration


Photo by Fujian Daily reporter You Qinghui

福建日报记者 游庆辉 摄

FJSEN report on June 3 (Fujian Daily reporter You Qinghui)From May 31 to June 3, the 7th Straits Hanfu Culture Festival as well as Hanfu Fashion Week 2024 is held in Fuzhou. More than 200 guests from the Phillippines, Canada, Italy and Greece, etc. attend the Hanfu(Chinese-style clothes) celebration. 

东南网6月3日讯(福建日报记者 游庆辉)5月31日至6月3日,第七届海峡汉服文化节暨2024汉服时尚周在福州举办。来自菲律宾、加拿大、意大利、希腊等国家和地区的200多名嘉宾参加“汉服盛宴”。