Youthful smiling faces compose a story of friendship

—U.S. youth exchanges team visit Fuzhou 6 high schools


American youths experiencing the making of Luban Lock at the universal tech class in Fuzhou No.8 High School. (Photo provided by the interviewee(s)) 


China-U.S. students experiencing the fun of science exploration at the biology experiments. Photo by Zhang Fen

中美学生合作进行生物实验,一起体会科学探索的乐趣。张芬 摄

FJSEN report on July 11 (Straits Education Newspaper reporter Zhang Fen, Zheng Linlin) Recently, Ameican youths exchanges team named "A Trip of the Youth", which has about 190 teachers and students from 14 middle schools in 7 states  in the U.S. , paid a visit to China. As another youth learning exchanges team invited to visit China, the members of the team visited Fuzhou middle schools in groups, and the schools are Fuzhou No.1 High School, Fuzhou No. 3 High School, Fuzhou No. 8 School, Fujian Fuzhou Senior High School, Fuzhou Jinshan High School, and The Affiliated School of FIE. In the schools, American students attended various activities for culture experience, making exchanges with Chinese peers. With laughters and pleasant chats, the seed of friendship is planted in the mind of China-U.S. youths.

东南网7月11日讯(海峡教育报记者 张芬 郑琳琳)近日,由美国7个州14所中学约190名师生组成的美国青少年“青春同行”交流团访华。作为中方邀请美国青少年访华学习交流计划的又一批成员,7日,交流团成员分批参访了福州一中、福州三中、福州八中、福州高级中学、福州金山中学和福州教育学院附属中学。在这里,美国学生们参加了丰富多彩的文化体验活动,与中国同龄人交流互动。欢声笑语中,友谊的种子也在中美两国青少年的心田里种下。