The 1064th anniversary of Mazu's birth celebration and Meizhou Mazu Spring Fete Ceremony in 2024


7 colorful huge banners stretching towards the golden Statue of the Goddess Mazu, and it means the flawless integration of marine culture and Mazu culture. (Photo by Fujian Daily correspondent, Lin Chunsheng) 

7条彩色巨幅绸带连向妈祖金身,寓意海洋文化与妈祖文化完美融合。(福建日报通讯员 林春盛 摄)

FJSEN report (Reporter Chen Shengzhong, He Jing, Correspondent Cheng Liting) On the morning of May 1, 1064th anniversary of Mazu's birth celebration and Meizhou Mazu Spring Fete Ceremony 2024 took place in Goddess Square in the first Mazu temple in Meizhou, Putian, Fujian, where representatives of Mazu culture organizations at home and abroad, Mazu faith followers and people of all circles are gathered to celebrate the grand folk culture. 

东南网讯 (记者 陈盛钟 何金 通讯员 程黎婷) 5月1日上午,纪念妈祖诞辰1064周年大会暨甲辰年春祭妈祖大典在莆田湄洲妈祖祖庙天后广场举行,海内外妈祖文化机构代表、妈祖信众及各界人士等上万人欢聚一堂,共襄民俗文化盛典。

As a crucial part of Mazu faith, Meizhou Mazu Fete Ceremony has a history of over a thousand years and it was the first batch of national Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2016, since it is as famous as the Fete Ceremony of the Yellow Emperor (Huangdi) Mausoleum and Confucius Memorial Ceremony, the 3 ceremonies are respected as "The Three Great Ceremonies in China". Moreover, apart from distinctive culture essence, Mazu Fete Ceremony has great value in history, sea navigation, religion, folk culture, art, etc. The grand and dignified performance of the ceremony lasts almost 40 minutes, which greatly represent the enriched essence of the royal ceremony of the previous dynaties integrated with folk ceremony.  
