Fujian Foreign Trade Reached over RMB500 Billion Import and Export in Q1 for the First Time


FJSEN News on April 16(Fujian Daily Reporter Zheng Huang) According to the statistics from Fuzhou and Xiamen Customs, the import and export of goods in Fujian Province in Q1 was 501.81 billion yuan(about $693 billion), an increase of 7.7% than the period in 2023, which is a good start and makes a new record for the same period in history. Specifically, the exports exceeded 300 billion yuan(about $41.4 billion) which breaks the record in the same period in history, and finally reached 308.03 billion yuan(about $42.5 billion) , which is an increase of 12.8 percent to last year. Also, the sharp increase in export is 7.9 percentage points higher than that of the average national in the same period; and the import reached 193.78 billion yuan(about $26.8 billion), an increase of 0.5 percent to last year.

东南网4月16日讯 (福建日报记者 郑璜) 据福州、厦门海关统计,一季度福建省货物贸易进出口5018.1亿元(约693亿美元),同比增长7.7%,创历史同期新高,实现良好开局。其中,出口规模在历史同期首次突破3000亿元(约414亿美元),达3080.3亿元(约425亿美元),同比增长12.8%,增幅高于同期全国平均水平7.9个百分点,表现亮眼;进口1937.8亿元(约268亿美元),同比增长0.5%。