Recall and share the sweet memory in Kuliang

重温鼓岭时光 分享美好记忆

Elyn MacInnis and Donald MacInnis's student Chen Shiming looking at the old photos shown on the mobile phone. (photo by Fujian Daily reporter Wang Jie,Li Lie)

穆言灵和穆蔼仁学生陈世明一起看手机中的老照片。(福建日报记者 汪洁 李烈 摄) 

FJSEN report on June 24 (Fujian Daily reporter Wang Jie, Li Lie) In June, Kuliang's summer is covered with the green. As one of the important events in the "2024 Bond with Kuliang: China-U.S. Youth Week", on the morning of June 23, the sharing session of "the Kuliang Story 2024" was held in the Kuliang Base of Fuzhou International Talent Port. At the event, the Kuliang friends met each other again, talking and sharing a lot of memeories and stories about Kuliang.   

东南网6月24日讯(福建日报记者 汪洁 李烈)六月的鼓岭夏山如碧。作为2024“鼓岭缘”中美青年交流周的重要活动之一,6月23日上午,2024“鼓岭故事”专场分享会在福州国际人才港鼓岭基地举办。“鼓岭之友”再次重聚,分享他们与鼓岭之间说不完的回忆和故事。