Excellent moment captured in the "Datian Competition"

南平起跑 青春正好丨“大田赛”运动员精彩瞬间

 Women's 100m running of Group B in the preliminary competition. Photo by FJSEN reporter Zheng Zhenghua  

女子丙组100米预赛现场,运动员们闻令启动。东南网记者 郑正华 摄

FJSEN report on July 18 (FJSEN reporter Zheng Zhenghua, Zhang Mengyuan) Nanping starts running and the young looks good. Recently, the 22nd National College Athletes Championships is in full swing, and the athletes give best performance with passion and vigor! The reporter captured excellent moment in the field.

东南网7月18日讯(本网记者 郑正华 张梦媛)南平起跑,青春正好。连日来,第22届全国大学生田径锦标赛如火如荼地进行着,运动场上的健儿们,在跑道上肆意挥洒汗水,在田径赛场上写就热情与活力的青春篇章!跟着记者镜头来观看赛场上的精彩瞬间。

At the 22nd National College Athletes Championships, Men's Hammer of Group C in the Final Competition. Photo by FJSEN reporter Zheng Zhenghua  

第22届全国大学生田径锦标赛男子丙组链球决赛现场。东南网记者 郑正华 摄

At the 22nd National College Athletes Championships, 400 meters of Group C in the preliminary Competition. Photo by FJSEN reporter Zheng Zhenghua  

第22届全国大学生田径锦标赛400米丙组预赛现场。东南网记者 郑正华 摄

At the 22nd National College Athletes Championships, Men's Triple Jump in the Final Competition. Photo by FJSEN reporter Zheng Zhenghua  

第22届全国大学生田径锦标赛男子三级跳决赛现场。东南网记者 郑正华 摄