The opening of Fuzhou's College Town Cultural Art Festival


Fuzhou Polytechnic performing dancing "Chinese Style"(Photo by Reporter Shi Chenjing,Correspondent Cheng Yuxuan)

福州职业技术学院表演舞蹈《中国风》。(记者 施辰静 通讯员 程予璇 文/图)

FJSEN report (Reporter Shi Chenjing, Correspondent Cheng Yuxuan) In the evening of May 6, the opening of the Second Fuzhou's College Town Cultural Art Festival kicked off in Fuzhou University Town Cultural Art Center. The performance including the excellent performance of 15 colleges at the 7th Fujian Provincial University Art Festival, and was set with 3 themes--The times' mission, youth fighting and China revitalization-- which gives college teachers and students as well as Fuzhou citizens an excellent campus art gala. 

东南网5月8日讯 (记者 施辰静 通讯员 程予璇 文/图) 6日晚,第二届福州地区大学城文化艺术节在福州大学城文化艺术中心举行开幕演出。福建省第七届大学生艺术节上15所院校的优秀参赛作品亮相演出,并分成“时代使命”“青春奋进”“振兴中华”三个篇章,为在榕高校师生和市民带来了一场精彩的校园艺术盛宴。