Fujian Received more than RMB4 Billion as Tourism Revenue during Qingming Festival


FJSEN News on April 7th (Fujian Daily Reporter Guo Bin) On the evening of April 6th, Ctrip released statistics report on tourism during 2024 Qingming Festival. Accordingly, the amount of travel bookings in Fujian was doubled compared with the same period last year, and the amount of resort ticket orders increased by 295% than last year. Besides, the  third-party evaluates that Fujian should receive 4.4188 million tourists during this holiday, with an income of RMB4.028 billion(about $5,56,669,600); Tourist expenditure is about RMB912 (about $126) per capita, an increase of 14.8% over 2019.

东南网4月7日讯 (福建日报记者 郭斌)4月 6日晚,携程发布2024年清明节假期出游相关数据。数据显示,今年清明节假期我省旅游预订量比去年同期翻了一番,省内景区3天门票订单量同比增长295%。据第三方测算,2024年清明节假期全省接待游客441.88万人次,实现旅游收入40.28亿元(约5.57亿美元);游客人均花费912元(约126美元),比2019年增长14.8%。