The Popular Science Experience Exhibition of Hard Science Fiction opens in Xiamen


Parents bring their children to experience the Mars Science Popularization Exhibition. (Fujian Daily reporter Lin Zijian, correspondent Wang Jialin)

家长带着孩子体验火星科普展。(福建日报记者记者 林梓健 通讯员 王佳琳 文/图)

FJSEN report on May 27 (Fujian Daily reporter Lin Zijian, correspondent Wang Jialin) Recently, the "Let's Go to Mars" Hard Science Fiction's Popular Science Experience Exhibition at the Xiamen Science and Technology Museum is officially open to the public.

东南网5月27日讯 (福建日报记者 林梓健 通讯员 王佳琳 文/图) 近日,厦门科技馆“走!去火星”硬科幻科普体验展正式对外开放。

This popular science experience exhibition is co-developed by the Xiamen Science and Technology Museum and the Guokr Digital Science Museum team. It uses in-depth astronomical knowledge and imaginative ideas as a starting point, bringing the future "Mars Base" of 100 years later to the museum.


At the "Mars Base", visitors can "take a ride" a sightseeing spacecraft to explore the red soil continent and take a look at the scenery of Mars. They can also operate a Mars rover and experience the fun of "gold panning" in the asteroid zone... With this journey to the future Mars, visitors can feel the magnificent landscape and the hardships of exploring Mars.
