Hot wave in culture and tourism market breezes small-scale cities in leisure tour

文旅市场“热”潮涌动 小城闲游“热”态尽显

FJSEN report (Fujian Daily reporter Guo Bin) During the May Day Holiday, most resorts in Fujian province are filled with streams of tourists, though it rains in some cities. The market gives good sign with increasing potential of expenditure outlets, and Fujian culture and tourism system integrates with the resources and provide tourists with “shopping list” for the holiday. Accordingly, during the holiday, Fujian receives over 27 million tourists, tourism income reaches about RMB21.4 billion (about $3 billion). Comparatively, the data has increased 25.1% and 26.6% than that in 2019.  

东南网5月6日讯 (福建日报记者 郭斌) “五一”假日,虽然省内部分地区阴雨相伴,但游客出游热情依然高涨,多地景区再现“人山人海”。全省文旅系统深度融合文旅资源,精心准备文旅“大餐”,文旅消费潜力不断释放,文旅市场活力四射。经第三方测算,“五一”假期,全省累计接待游客逾2700万人次,游客旅游总花费近214亿元。按可比口径,两项指标分别比2019年“五一”假日增长25.1%、26.6%。