China-France Cultural Spring launches in Fuzhou


Guests enjoy the Minjiang River Night Tour and give a thumbs up.

(Photo by Chen Xuechuan)  


FJSEN report on May 7th (Fujian Daily reporter Wu Peng) China-France Cultural Spring 2024 is launched in special ways, in order to celebrate 60 years of diplomatic relations and reflect mutual learning and glory sharing in cultural aspects between China and France. In the evening of May 4, Chinese and foreign guests gathered at Fuzhou's landmark--The Heart of Minjiang River, and cheer for the history of the friendship between two countries.  

东南网5月7日讯 (福建日报记者 吴鹏) 为庆祝中法建交60周年,彰显中法文化交流的互鉴与共荣,今年的中法文化之春活动以特别的方式展开。4日晚,参加中法文化之春福州站活动的中外嘉宾齐聚福州城市会客厅——闽江之心,共同见证中法友谊的历史。

The light art makes The Heart of Minjiang River extroadinary beautiful at night. Christophe Bagonneau, cultural consul of the Consulate General of France in Guangzhou, led the group and visited resorts, like The Heart of Minjiang River, Exhibition Hall, Youth Bridge, Youth Square and Jasmin Street. 
