The Ninth Youth Geoscience Forum Opens in Xiamen


FJSEN report on May 20 (Fujian Daily reporter8 Lin Wen, Huang Xin, intern reporter Huang Xingrong) Looking back at the global climate change from the paleo-environment of millions of years ago, deciphering the myth of the Earth through the footprints of elemental geochemistry, "up to the sky," "down to the earth," and "into the sea," we unseal the secrets of the Earth and work together to build a beautiful home... On the May 18, the Ninth Youth Geoscience Forum opened in Xiamen, and nearly 5,000 domestic experts, scholars, and young students attended.

东南网5月20日讯(福建日报记者 林闻 黄鑫 见习记者 黄星榕) 从距今千百万年的古环境回看当下的全球气候变化,在元素地球化学的变化足迹中解读地球留下的谜语,“上天”“入地”“下海”,由表及里揭开地球的奥秘,共同建设美丽地球家园……18日,第九届青年地学论坛在厦门开幕,近5000名国内专家学者和青年学生参会。