The opening ceremony of 2024 China-France Cultural Spring in south China officially kicks off


FJSEN report on May 6 (Fujian Daily reporter Chen Mengjie) Recently, the opening ceremony of 2024 China-France Cultural Spring in south China took place in Fuzhou, along with 3 photography gala to start the biggest photography art gala in Fuzhou in 2024. The 3 photography gala will be shown in Guihu Art Museum, Strait Culture Art Center, Yantaishan·Yuanli, including "Jai voulu voir"(i.e. "I want to see")--the Gilles Caron Photography retrospective exhibition, Fuzhou x Niort "Recontres De La Jeune Pohotographie Internationale"(i.e. The Meetings of Young International Photography), "Toucher Terre"(i.e. "Touch the Earth")--Marc Deneyer Photography Exhibition. The charm of integration between China and France cultural communication is presented in the 3 exhibitions with 14 French artists and 4 returned-from-France Chinese artists via about 500 photography works. In the photo, the audience are visiting the works in Guihu Art Museum, Fuzhou. 

东南网5月6日讯(福建日报记者 陈梦婕)近日,2024年中法文化之春华南地区开幕式在福州举办,3场摄影大展同时登场,开启2024年度福州最大的摄影艺术盛会。3场特展于桂湖美术馆、海峡文化艺术中心、烟台山·源里联合呈现,包括我要看见——吉勒·卡隆摄影回顾展、福州·尼奥尔国际青年摄影展、触碰大地——马克·德奈耶尔摄影作品展。3场展览共展出14位法国艺术家、4位留法中国艺术家的近500幅摄影作品,展现中法文化交流融合的魅力。图为观众在桂湖美术馆看展。