Fujian launching Autumn Culture and Tourism Promotion Activities


Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Guo Bin,Huang Xingrong

福建日报记者 郭斌 黄星榕 图

FJSEN report on September 7 (Fujian Daily reporter Guo Bin, Huang Xingrong) Recently, Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism hosted the Culture and Tourism Promotion Activities in the title of "Enjoy Fujian in Golden Autumn", which was launched in Xiamen. During the period, Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism promoted more than 2100 special featured activities in Fujian, which fully demonstrates the resources and products of Fujian culture and tourism in autumn, but also motivates the livelihood of the industry in autumn.  

东南网9月7日讯 (福建日报记者 郭斌 黄星榕 文/图) 近日,由省文化和旅游厅主办的“来福建 乐金秋”2024年福建省秋季文旅推广活动在厦门启动。今年全省秋季文旅推广期间,省文旅厅在全省共推出2100多项优惠特色活动,充分展示我省金秋文旅资源产品,激发秋季文旅活力。