The first show of some photos! "Remembering Heroes: The Flying Tigers Historical Photo Exhibition (Changting) "


FJSEN Longyan report on September 7 (reporter Jiang Yaping, Liu Longhai) September 3, 2024, marks the 79th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. A delegation of American Flying Tigers, composed of members of the Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation and decendants of the veterans of the Flying Tigers, visited Changting on September 5-7. Also, it held "Remembering Heroes: The Flying Tigers Historical Photo Exhibition" and the activities of the Flying Tigers Friendship School between Changting No.1 Middle School and El Rancho Middle School. Moreover, it is the second stop of the historical photo exhibition on the theme of the Flying Tigers in China, and the 1st time for Fujian Province to hold a Sino-US folk cultural exchange activity on the theme of the Flying Tigers.

东南网龙岩9月7日讯(本网记者 江雅萍 刘龙海)2024年9月3日是中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利79周年纪念日,9月5日至7日,由美中航空遗产基金会成员及飞虎队老兵后人组成的美国飞虎队代表团一行访问长汀,并举办“铭记英雄——纪念飞虎队历史图片展”暨长汀一中、埃尔兰乔中学缔结飞虎队友谊学校活动。这是此次飞虎队主题历史图片展在中国巡展的第二站,同时也是福建省首次举办以飞虎队为主题的中美民间文化交流活动。

The opening ceremony of the "Remembering Heroes: The Flying Tigers Historical Photo Exhibition". (Photo by FJSEN reporter Jiang Yaping)  

《铭记英雄——纪念飞虎队历史图片展》开展仪式 江雅萍 摄

Jeffrey Greene was awarded "Chief Expert of Flying Tiger Cultural Research in Changting" by Changting County People's Government. (Photo by FJSEN reporter Jiang Yaping)  

长汀县人民政府授予杰夫·格林“长汀飞虎队文化研究首席专家”称号 江雅萍 摄

Chinese and foreign guests pulled the bar to initiate the opening ceremony. (Photo by FJSEN reporter Jiang Yaping)  

中外嘉宾共同推杆,举行启动仪式 江雅萍 摄

Members of the delegation presenting a basket of flowers to General Claire Lee Chennault.(Photo by FJSEN reporter Jiang Yaping)

代表团成员向陈纳德将军像敬献花篮 江雅萍 摄