Zhouning County: inspire "hot economy" with "cool resource"


Streams of tourists come and visit Mount Xianfen Resort in Zhouning County for the beautiful sunrise from a sea of cloud.(Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Shan Zhiqiang, correspondent Zheng Wenmin)

周宁县仙风山景区日出云海美轮美奂,引得游客纷至沓来。(福建日报记者 单志强 通讯员 郑文敏 图)

FJSEN report on August 19 (Fujian Daily reporter Shan Zhiqiang, correspondent Zheng Wenmin) At the early Autumn, it's hot still, and streams of tourists came to Mount Xianfen in Zhouning County to get cool, where they watched sunrise and a sea of cloud. Xiao Yong, a tourist from Fuzhou, says "This is a land of beautiful mountains and clean water. I seldom keep the air conditioner on at daytime, and it's even a little cool at night camping. I would like to stay here throughout summer." And he likes the cool weather in Zhouning.

东南网8月19日报道(福建日报记者 单志强 通讯员 郑文敏 文/图) 初秋时节,暑气未消,周宁县仙风山迎来了众多避暑游客观日出、赏云海。“这里山清水秀,白天基本不用开空调,晚上露营还有点凉,真想一整个夏天都住在这里。”来自福州的游客肖咏说,凉爽的周宁让他流连忘返。

As a county with highest altitude in Fujian, Zhouning County is famous for "City with Natural Air Conditioner". Owing to average temperature 24℃ in summer, Zhouning County has the advantage of developing "hot economy", and it has become a good choice for tourists in summer. The "hot economy" is a economy phenomenon due to high temperature, for instance, high temperature facilitates the development of travelling to get out of summer heat.  
