We are so proud of her


Qiu Qiyuan is in the Olympic Games.(Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Du Zhenglan)

邱祺缘在比赛中。(福建日报记者 杜正蓝 摄)

FJSEN report on August 5 (Fujian Daily reporter Du Zhenglan) "Wow..." it's 9:40 PM on August 4, when Qiu Qiyuan turned up at the athlete passage, the audience in the Weight Skill Gym of Zhangzhou burst into applause. 

东南网8月5日讯(福建日报记者 杜正蓝)“哇噢……”8月4日21时40分,当邱祺缘在参赛队员通道亮相时,漳州市重竞技馆里爆发出热烈的欢呼。

Before the Competition was started, gymnast Qiu Qiyuan, who was born in Zhangzhou of Fujian, as the rep. of Chinese gymnastics team to attend the final of Woman Uneven Bars in the Paris 2024 Olympics. Qiu Qiyuan's parents and many other local relatives and friends sat together to cheer for her in front of the TV.  

比赛即将开始。出生于福建漳州的体操运动员 邱祺缘,代表中国体操队参加此次巴黎奥运会女子体操高低杠决赛。邱祺缘的父母同众多漳州亲友会聚一堂,在屏幕前为她加油助威。

"Qiu Qiyuan, go for it! China team, go for it!" Qiu Qiyuan went up to the stage at 10:03 PM, and the audience in the Weight Skill Gym cheered for her throughout the performance. In the end, Qiu Qiyuan earned the score 15.500 with a set of acts of 7.2 difficulty, which not only earned the silver medal for Chinese sports reps. team, but also the second medal for Fujian atheletes in Paris 2024 Olympics. 
