The cultural activity "Thailand—Fujian Silk Road Affection (Fantasy Thailand)" kicked off in Jimei District, Xiamen


The artists staged with luxurious dresses (Photo by reporter Li Lin)

艺术家们身着华丽服饰登台亮相(记者 李霖 摄)

FJSEN report on July 27 (reporter Li Lin) Kohn, Thailand Puppet show, Songkran Festival Dance... In order to celebrate the 49th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand as well as the start of "China-ASEAN People-to-people Exchanges in 2024", the cultural activity "Thailand—Fujian Silk Road Affection (Fantasy Thailand)" was kicked off in the evening of July 26 in Jimei District Youth & Children's Palace, Xiamen. A series of Thailand style programs were staged, which presented the audience a shocking and enjoyable gala.  

东南网7月27日讯(记者 李霖)孔剧、泰国木偶剧、泰国木琴演奏、宋干节节庆舞蹈……为庆祝中泰建交49周年,献礼“中国-东盟人文交流年”开启,7月26日晚,“泰国-福建丝路情(奇幻泰国系列)”文化活动在厦门市集美区青少年宫拉开帷幕。一系列独具泰国特色的节目轮番登场,为现场观众带来了一场极具震撼力和观赏性的视听盛宴。