The trend of collecting stamps print in Xiamen tourism


A store in Xiamen provides with stamps print service, which is favored by tourists of all ages.  


FJSEN report on July 19 (Fujian Daily reporter Lin Wen, intern reporter Huang Xingrong)

东南网7月19日报道(福建日报记者 林闻 见习记者 黄星榕 文/图)

Xiamen citizen Minmin successfully collected the freshly released stamp print of "Xiamen Eight Scenery", after the stamp is pressed hard on the blank paper, softly touched colors from the inked stamp pad. One day earlier, she had completed the Jiageng themed stamp pint collection.  


After travelling like the special troop and taking "city walk" style, the stamp print collection attracts peple's attention. In these years, a variety of delicate stamps is presented in Xiamen's travel agency, shopping mall, bookstore, cofee bar, arts creation shop,as well as some exhibition and performances, etc.. In the social media, the "maps for collecting stamps print" is the new fashion, apart from travel route, bus guide, hanging around for cuisine in Xiamen. 

继特种兵式旅游和“City Walk”后,集章打卡式旅游火了。近年,各色精美的印章逐渐出现在厦门的旅游服务中心、商场、书店、咖啡馆、文创店等场所,一些展览和演出也推出盖章活动。在社交媒体上,关于厦门的帖子除了旅行线路、乘车指南、逛吃攻略之外,也出现了“集章地图”这一新类型。

The trip of collecting stamp print is tourists' fun in the resort or feature shops. By means of getting a stamp print on the notebook, tourists receive a personal memory. As the trend beomes popular, Xiamen resorts and shops held the activieties to attract the citizens and tourists to come, which would promote the tourism consumption and local culture.  
