Enjoy days with flowers, birds and hotspring, and the slow-down-trip in Xiamen get you relaxed

赏花观鸟泡温泉 慢游厦门给你松弛感

Enjoy flowers, birds and hotspring

赏花 观鸟 泡温泉

the slow-down-trip in Xiamen get you relaxed


Xiamen Yuanbo Garden,"meeting" black awning boat with lotus pond. (Photo by reporter Lu Jianhao)

厦门园博苑,满塘荷花与乌篷船“相遇”。(图/记者 卢剑豪)

Bird-watchers taking photos for birds around Yundang Lake. (Photo by reporter Lu Jianhao)

观鸟爱好者在筼筜湖边拍摄鸟类。(图/记者 卢剑豪)

In the Riyuegu Hotsprings Resort, the parents and children are playing in water to relieve the summer heat. (Photo by reporter Lu Jianhao)

日月谷温泉渡假村,亲子戏水消暑。(图/记者 卢剑豪)

FJSEN report (report by reporter Zhang Yurong, intern Chen Yuxuan, photo by reporter Lu Jianhao) For these days, following the high quality tourism route "Enjoy flowers and birds & have healthy life in hotspring", which was released by Xiamen Department of Culture and Tourism, Xiamen Daily reporters went to the reorts and take photos, including Yundang Lake, Yuanbo Garden, Riyuegu Hotsprings Resort, etc., then, received a sense of relaxation as well as pleasure and leisure different from busy life in the city.  

东南网讯(文/记者 张玉榕 实习生 陈语轩 图/记者 卢剑豪)连日来,本报记者跟随厦门市文旅部门发布的“赏花观鸟,温泉康养”品质游路线,打卡筼筜湖、园博苑、日月谷温泉渡假村,于繁忙中觅得一份悠然自得,体验到了松弛感。