Pin'nan Traditional Villages Exhibition Week Activity kicked off in Fuzhou


Photo by Mindong Daily reporter Gan Yebin 

闽东日报 甘叶斌 摄

On July 14, in the theme of "Revive Traditional Elegance·Romantice in Pin'nan", Pin'nan County Traditional Villages Integrated Protection and Use Exhibition Week Activity was kicked off in the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, Fuzhou.  


Accordingly, the Activity lasts for one week, and it would focus on exhibiting the result of Pin'nan traditional villages protection and regenerated use of culture creation, attract more people's attention and feel the Chinese farming culture in the traditional villages in Pin'nan, keep promoting the fame, reputation and influence of Pin'nan. At the Activity, there are operas of national intangible cultural heritage performances, i.e. Pin'nan Siping Opera Traditional Program "Extract of The King's Map: Troops Facing the enemy at the battlefield", and Siping puppet troupes classical program "Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties".(Mindong Daily reporter Gan Yebin) 

据悉,此次活动为期一周,将集中展示屏南传统村落保护和文创活化利用成果,让更多人感受到屏南传统村落背后蕴含的中华农耕文明,持续提升屏南知名度、美誉度和影响力。现场亮相的还有国家非遗屏南四平戏传统剧目《天子图选段——对阵》、四平提线木偶戏经典剧目《隋唐演义》表演。(闽东日报 甘叶斌)