26 Fujian athelets are ready to go for Paris!


Li Fabin, who was born in 1993, will strive for his successive championship of 61kg Men's Weightlifting. (Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Lin Xi)

1993年出生的李发彬将踏上举重男子61公斤级的卫冕之旅。(福建日报记者 林熙/图)

Jiang Yiting, who was born in 2004, will be the 1st athelete who attends the Skeet Shooting Competition in the atheletes' history of Fujian.(Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Lin Xi)

2004年出生的江伊婷是我省历史上第一个参加射击飞碟项目比赛的运动员。(福建日报记者 林熙/图)

Huang Qianqian(on the right), who was born in 2002, will attend Women's Group and Individual Competition in the Foil. (Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Lin Xi)

2002年出生的黄芊芊(右)将参加花剑女子团体和个人的比赛。(福建日报记者 林熙/图)

As the leader of the China Women's Water Polo Team, Zhang Jing,who was born in 1996, will attend the Olympic Games for the 3rd time.(Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Lin Xi)

作为中国女子水球队的队长,1996年出生的张婧将第三次参加奥运会。(福建日报记者 林熙/图)

Ge Mangqi, who was born in 1997, will run on the field of the Olympic Games for the 3rd time.(Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Lin Xi)

1997年出生的葛曼棋将第三次踏上奥运会的赛道。(福建日报记者 林熙/图)

Quanxin, who was born in 1996, will attend the Canoe Slalom Competition at the Olympic Games for the 2nd time. (Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Lin Xi)


FJSEN report on July 14 (Fujian Daily reporter Xiao Rong, photo by reporter Lin Xi) At the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics, the 17 Fujian athletes won 4 gold 2 silver 2 bronze medals, which was the best record at the Olympics in Fujian history. 

东南网7月14日讯(福建日报记者 肖榕/文 林熙/图)在东京奥运会上,17名参赛的福建运动员夺得了4金2银2铜,创造了我省参加奥运会的历史最好成绩。

After 3 years' training, at the bank of Seine, 26 Fujian atheletes will attend the Olympics. On July 13, China Sports Reps Team of the Paris 2024 Olympics was officially set up in Beijing, and among them, there are 25 Fujian atheletes. Besides, there will be 1 more athelete attending the competition of performance. In all, the amount of Fujian athletes surpasses the amount in the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics, as new record in history.    


After 13 days, when the Paris 2024 Olympics is officially kicked off, Fujian atheletes will make the best performance.
