Fujian athlete Chen Jingle: Braving the Wind and Waves for Realizing the Olympic Dreams!


Chen Jingle in a Competion(Photo provided by Pingtan Kiteboarding Organization)

 比赛中的陈静乐 (平潭风筝冲浪协会供图)

FJSEN report on July 9 (Fujian Daily reporter Zhang Zhehao) Spinning, jumping, soaring..Recently, the 2024 National Kiteboarding Championship Competition concluded in Pingtan. After fierce competition, Chen Jingle, a member of the National Sailing Team and the host city, won the champion of the Women's Kitefoil Competition and the Women's Kitefoil Obstacle Competition. And this is the last drill undertaken by the National Sailing Team before the Paris Olympic Games.

东南网7月9日讯(福建日报记者 张哲昊)旋转、跳跃、腾空……近日,2024年全国风筝板冠军赛在平潭落幕,经过激烈比拼,国家帆船帆板队队员、东道主选手陈静乐一举拿下了女子水翼风筝板级场地赛、女子水翼风筝板级障碍赛两个项目的冠军,这是国家帆船帆板队在巴黎奥运会前的最后一次大练兵。