Xiapu in Ningde: pinky Lotus at daytime


FJSEN report on July 1 (FJSEN reporter Ye Fuguo, correspondent Zhang Yu) The grass and woods come to the best time of the year and cicadas sounds tell us that it is summer. On June 27, it is a full sight of blooming lotus in the ponds in Xiaping Village, Chongru Township, Xiapu County, Ningde, which is full of layers of lotus leaves, and streams of tourists and citizens are attracted to enjoy the sight as well as stay away from the summer heat. 

东南网7月1日讯(本网记者 叶伏国 通讯员 张羽) 草木葳蕤,蝉声阵阵,6月27日,宁德市霞浦县崇儒乡霞坪村荷花盛开,放眼望去,满池的荷花争奇斗艳,连片的荷叶层层叠叠,吸引游客和市民前来赏荷避暑。

The blooming lotus in the Entertainment Park, Xiaping Village. Photo by Zhang Yu

霞坪村游览园内盛开的荷花。张羽 摄

The blooming lotus in the Entertainment Park, Xiaping Village. Photo by Zhang Yu

霞坪村游览园内盛开的荷花。张羽 摄

Different types of lotus blooming in the pond. Photo by Zhang Yu

满池的荷花争奇斗艳。张羽 摄

Accordingly, the Xiaping Village takes the "gap period" of the Winter and Spring of lotus pond to plant rapeseed flowers as "lotus and rapeseed flowers plant in turn" , and it is the new mode of "flowers blooming throughout a year" in the country tourism, as "Rapeseed flowers draws a floral sight in the Winter and Spring, while the Summer and Autumn are filled with the aromas of the lotus".


The blooming lotus in the Entertainment Park, Xiaping Village. Photo by Zhang Yu

霞坪村游览园内盛开的荷花。张羽 摄