Looking for the flavors in Quanzhou | Traditional food in memory—Yam Cake

寻味泉州 | 舌尖上的古早记忆之芋头饼

Yam Cake of original flavor. Photo by Lin Menglin

原味芋头饼。林梦琳 摄

Yam Cake with yolk filling. Photo by Lin Menglin

蛋黄味芋头饼。林梦琳 摄

FJSEN report on June 25 (FJSEN reporter Huang Yuxin, intern Lin Menglin)As a city famous for tradition and grace, Quanzhou has many tasty hidden trational snacks. The snacks are not only dishes, but also traditional memory of the old days. The trip in Quzhou, the familar taste wakes up our memory and sensation to the old days. And let's walk into the streets and alleys to look for the traditional memory about food, get in touch with the unique charm and flavor of the traditional snacks. Now, the series report on Quanzhou food would present you the traditional snack—Yam cake. 

东南网6月25日讯(本网记者 黄雨昕 实习生 林梦琳)在泉州这座古老而充满韵味的城市里,隐藏着许多令人垂涎欲滴的传统小吃。它们不仅仅是一道道美食,更是承载着岁月沉淀的古早记忆。当我们踏上寻味泉州的旅程,熟悉的味道便唤醒着人们对往昔的怀念与感动。让我们一起走进泉州的大街小巷,探寻那舌尖上的古早记忆,领略传统小吃独特的魅力与风情。寻味泉州的第三期便带大家走近传统小吃——芋头饼。

Yam Cake with cheese filling. Photo by Lin Menglin

芝士味芋头饼。林梦琳 摄

Yam paste takes important place in Quanzhou cuisine, also, it is the main ingredient for many traditional cuisine. In Quanzhou, Yam paste is widely used in food making, eg. Yam cake, and the inheritance of Yam cake has long history in Quanzhou; a large number of families pass down the cooking flaor for generations, which becomes a part of traditional skill and food culture. As time goes by, some famous brands of Yam Cake received fame, became popular and favored for its unique taste and making skill. The 2 pieces of thin and crispy biscuit hold the thick yam paste inside, wrap up with secret paste, then, fry it till golden look in the pan, in the end, it is the Yam Cake.    
