Time for making She Ethnic Group's frgrant Black rice


Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Shan Zhiqiang, Correspondent Li Yu, Chen Yafang

福建日报记者 单志强 通讯员 李郁 陈雅芳 摄

Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Shan Zhiqiang, Correspondent Li Yu, Chen Yafang

福建日报记者 单志强 通讯员 李郁 陈雅芳 摄

The "March 3rd" in lunar calendar, a traditional She ethnic group festival, is celebrated by the local eating black rice, in order to remember their ancestors as well as entertain the guests. Therefore, the festival is also known as the "Black Rice Festival."


As the festival approaches, every household begins to make black rice in Lianling Village of Bangzhong She Ethnic Group Country, Fu'an City. The She Ethnic Group people pound the leaves of the Vaccinium Bracteatum Thunb and filter the juice, which is then used to dye white glutinous rice black. After that, it is cooked until it becomes a delicious, shiny, and fragrant black rice. According to reports, black rice has dietary therapeutic effects, such as appetizing, strengthening the spleen, and dispelling dampness in the body.


The photo shows Zhong Fuxie, an inheritor of the She Ethic Group's black rice making skills, is cooking black rice with his family on April 6.
