Chayang Kiln of Yanping: Fujian Porcelain Heritage and the Beauty Reborn(2)

延平茶洋窑:闽瓷遗珍 风华重生(2)

The "retro" road of Chayang kiln


Since 2005, Zhang Jianzhong have began to develop and fire the tea cups of Chayang kiln. After years of research, he restored partly the production process of Chayang kiln, and successfully imitating the traditional type of Chayang kiln - "shallow belly flat mouth chawan" and Chayang kiln green white glaze shows slice chawan, and is now committing to discovering, restoring and promoting the ancient production techniques of tea kiln.


Zhang Jianzhong was selecting the ore raw material for making Chayang chawan (Photo by Huang Jiemin)

              张建忠选取制作茶洋盏的矿石原料 黄杰敏 摄

With the efforts, in January, 2022, "Chayang kiln production technology" was included in the seventh group of Fujian intangible cultural heritage representative projects.
