Chayang Kiln of Yanping: Fujian Porcelain Heritage and the Beauty Reborn(1)

延平茶洋窑:闽瓷遗珍 风华重生(1)

Overlooking the first Chayang kiln, the traditional dragon kiln in Yanping District. (Photo by Yanping District Media Convergence Center)

        俯瞰延平区首座新建茶洋窑传统龙窑。 延平融媒体中心供图

FJSEN news on Jun 28th (Fujian Daily Reporter Yao Yuxin, Correspondent Zhan Guobing)

东南网6月28日报道(福建日报记者 姚雨欣 通讯员 詹国兵)

"Pearl of the Maritime silk" is connected with Minjiang River


Chayang kiln was established in the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, which has a history of more than 800 years. It is a folk kiln with the characteristics of Longquan kiln, Jingdezhen kiln, Jian kiln, Cizhou kiln and Jizhou Kiln and other kilns from inside and outside of Fujian.


Up to now, more than 10 ancient Chayang kiln sites have been found, which mainly located in joints of hills such as Daling, Anhou, Wanchang, Sheng Yang, Maping, Luokeng of Taiping town, with a total area of nearly 80,000 square meters, and it is now a provincial key cultural relics protection unit.


According to reports, in the archaeological excavation, collection appreciation or shipwreck data of Japan, Korea, Philippines, Indonesia and other countries , Chayang kiln products or the products which are similar to Chayang kiln  products have been found. Especially in Japan's highly respected "Sky Eye in Grey bedding", researchers have not found its origin and kiln for a long time, but the discovery of Chayang kiln cracked the Sino-Japanese ceramic exchange history of this cold case.
