Fuding: Gardenia Blooms and Gardenia Industry Prospers


The standardized gardenia base with 3000 mu(200 hectares) at Mingyang Village in Fuding Guanling Town(Fujian Daily Reporter Shan Zhiqiang, Correspondent Wang Tingting)

福鼎贯岭镇茗洋村3000亩标准化栀子基地(福建日报记者 单志强 通讯员 王婷婷 文/图)

FJSEN news on Jun 16th (Fujian Daily Reporter Shan Zhiqiang, Correspondent Wang Tingting) Since the beginning of summer, Gardenia has bloomed, and the crowds have been surging in Fujian and Zhejiang border. Starting from Guanling Village, Guanling Town, Fuding City, and winding to Xiguan Village, Pengxi Town, Taishun County, Zhejiang Province, gardenia "sea of flowers" spreaded along the mountain, which was luxuriant and gorgeous, attracted countless tourists.

东南网6月16日报道(福建日报记者 单志强 通讯员 王婷婷 文/图)入夏以来,栀子花开,闽浙边界人潮涌动。从福鼎市贯岭镇贯岭村出发,蜿蜒至浙江省泰顺县彭溪镇西关村,栀子“花海”沿山铺展,繁茂绚烂,引来游客无数。

On Jun 10th, Fuding City held the 2023 Fuding Gardenia Health Industry Development Conference. With the theme of "Focusing on rural revitalization, Building a healthy China together", the conference will continue to support, cultivate and expand the gardenia industry through cooperation and joint construction, business investment and other ways to enhance the fame and market reputation of gardenia.


"Fuding has the biggest domestic gardenia raw material forest area, the largest total output of medicinal gardenia producing area and gardenia fruit trading and distribution area, which was known as' China's gardenia famous city 'and' China's Gardenia Flower Town 'reputation. We hope to further broaden the development ideas of gardenia industry, strengthen the transformation and application of scientific research results, enhance the publicity and promotion of Fuding Gardenia brand, and promote the high-quality development of Fuding Gardenia industry." Mayor of Fuding City Zhou Chunhai said.
