"Sea Ranch" Race across the New Blue Sea


"Mintou No.1" deep-sea aquaculture fishing brigade platform (Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Lin Hui)

“闽投1号”深海养殖渔旅平台 (福建日报记者 林辉 摄)

FJSEN news on June 19th (Fujian Daily reporter Lin Wei) There were dragon boats with gold painting, big red cheerful arch. With the Dragon Boat Festival coming, near the pier of Dinghai Village, an ancient village of more than thousand years history in Lianjiang County, the atmosphere of the maritime dragon boat race, which was a provincial intangible cultural heritage project inherited for more than 400 years, was strong.

东南网6月19日讯(福建日报记者 林蔚)描彩绘金的龙舟,大红喜气的拱门。临近端午,连江县千年古村定海村码头附近,传承了400多年的省级非遗项目海上龙舟竞渡氛围正浓。

On the Dinghai Bay which was 2 nautical miles southeast of Dinghai Village pier, the "Mintou No. 1" deep-sea aquaculture fishing brigade platform is anchored steadily and stands tall.


Aiming at far-reaching new blue ocean, currently, "Min Tou No. 1" is actively carrying out industry-university-research integration cooperation with university research institutes, carrying out deep-sea aquaculture technology research, and expanding the cultivation of fish with high economic value.  At the same time, the technological innovation of the whole industrial chain in the fields of aquaculture, processing, cold chain logistics and so on is also getting developed, creating an "ocean ranch" industrial ecosystem with an annual economic value of up to RMB 1 billion(abt $130 million).
