2023 China (Xiamen) International Cross-border E-commerce Exhibition Opening


The 2023 China (Xiamen) International Cross-border E-commerce Exhibition kicks off today. (Photo provided by the organizer)


FJSEN news on Jun 15th (Reporter Lu Chaoyin) On Jun 15th, the 2023 China (Xiamen) International Cross-border E-commerce Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as "China Cross Exhibition") kicked off at the Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center, and the Xiamen International Supply Chain Service and Consumption Promotion Month sponsored by the Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Xiamen Council for the Promotion of International Trade Xiamen Committee and the Organizing Committee of China Cross Exhibition was launched.

东南网6月15日报道(记者 卢超颖)15日,2023中国(厦门)国际跨境电商展览会(以下简称“中跨展”)在厦门国际会展中心开幕,同期由厦门市商务局、厦门市贸促会、中跨展组委会主办的厦门国际供应链服务暨消费促进月启动。

Exhibitors from all walks of life gather in Xiamen. (Photo by FJSEN Reporter Lu Chaoyin)

        各界展商云集厦门。(东南网记者 卢超颖 摄)

With the theme of "Cross-border Connectivity and global connectivity", the exhibition scale exceeds 60,000 square meters, which planned more than 2,000 international standard booths, and set up three main exhibition areas that included cross-border selection exhibition area, cross-border platform and integrated service provider exhibition area, and cross-border import exhibition area (International exhibition area). The exhibition covers the whole industrial chain of cross-border e-commerce, displayed more than 50 national characteristic industries, more than 2,000 high-quality suppliers, and hundreds of service providers as well as more than 50 mainstream platforms of cross-border e-commerce such as Alibaba International Station and Amazon Global Store, and there were 20 high-level forums and conferences during the same period. Nearly 20 provinces and cities from Shanxi, Shaanxi, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Jinjiang and Shishi participated in the exhibition.
