6 Fujian Counties Joined in the 100 Billion Club--Decode Economy “New Code”


FJSEN news on April 13th(FJSEN reporter Lin Xianchang, Hong Zhenwei) Recently, China-cbn released the list of China’s Hundred Billion Yuan Counties in 2022. There are 52 counties reached hundred billion GDP, among them, there are 6 counties of Fujian province are on the list. They are Jinjiang,Nanan, Fuqing, Huian, Shishi, Minhou. 4 are of Quanzhou city, while 2 are in provincial capital Fuzhou. Therefore, Fuzhou and Quanzhou are not only taking the first in gross GDP, but also as Thousand Billion Yuan Cities taking half of the economy gross amount. Jinjiang makes good performance, it’s the first time to make more than 300 billion yuan(abt. 4.5 billion dollars)  and rank No.4 on the list. Also, Minhou makes rapid development that it’s the first time to be on the list.    

东南网4月13日报道(本网记者 林先昌 洪振威)日前,《第一财经》发布了2022年中国GDP千亿县名单,全国共52个县GDP达千亿元,福建共有6个县入选,分别是:晋江、南安、福清、惠安、石狮、闽侯,其中,4个来自泉州,另外2个在省会福州。福州、泉州两市的GDP总量也在全省领跑,这两个万亿元城市经济总量占据福建“半壁江山”。晋江表现尤其亮眼,GDP首次突破3000亿大关,位列全国千亿县第四位。闽侯发展步伐较快,2022年首次入选千亿县名录。