Shaxian District of Sanming City Set for Big-scale and Best Shaxian Snack


FJSEN news on April 16th(Fujian Daily reporter Lin Shanchuan)On April 14th, workers are making steamed buns at Fujian Xinmanyuan Food Technology Co. ,Ltd. in Immigrants Pioneer Park in Shaxian Kuqu of Sanming City. 

东南网4月16日讯(福建日报记者 林善传)14日,在位于三明市沙县库区移民创业园的福建鑫满园食品科技有限公司,工人在生产小笼包。

In these years, in order to make big-scale and best Shaxian Snack, Shaxian District of Sanming City has been keeping changing the mode of industry, conducting enabling policies, strengthening and exploring industry plan, and cultivating new products of Shaxian Snack, elevating the brand of Shaxian Snack and its culture as well as business key value, promoting high-tech development of Shaxian Snack industry.  
