Ninghua Yukou Paper: Revival of Ancient Paper Making Approach


The baked paper are layed together. (report and photo by Fujian Daily reporter Lin Hui, correspondent Zhang Lingbo, Huang Weifeng)

焙好的纸叠放在一起。(福建日报记者 林辉 通讯员 张凌波 黄尉峰 文/图)

Peeling bamboo hemp(report and photo by Fujian Daily reporter Lin Hui, correspondent Zhang Lingbo, Huang Weifeng)

剥竹麻(福建日报记者 林辉 通讯员 张凌波 黄尉峰 文/图)

FJSEN news on April 19th(report and photo by Fujian Daily reporter Lin Hui, correspondent Zhang Lingbo, Huang Weifeng) As the manufacturing base for Ninghua Yukou Paper, Zhiping She Nationality Village locates at the border of Fujian and Jiangxi provinces as well as 3 counties, and the village has mao bamboo with an area of 159 thousand mu(10,600 hectares) as the biggest mao bamboo production in Sanming city, meanwhile, it has an advantage in paper making condition with Bamboo and Water and Alkali. During Ming and Qing Dynasties, Ninghua had been one of the four paper making counties in Fujian province.  

东南网4月19日报道(福建日报记者 林辉 通讯员 张凌波 黄尉峰 文/图)治平畲族乡地处闽赣两省三县交界处,全乡有毛竹15.9万亩,为三明市最大的毛竹之乡,具有“竹、水、碱”三大优良造纸条件,是宁化玉扣纸的生产基地。明清时期,宁化已经是福建四大产纸县之一。