Scales New Highs! Culture and Tourism 3D Creative ad Enlights Fujian Province Culture and Tourism Economy Development Conference


Fujian EVO 3D creative ad presents "Refreshing Fujian"tourism trains. Photo by FJSEN reporter Zhuang Yujing

福建裸眼3D创意宣传片呈现“清新福建”旅游列车画面 东南网记者 庄宇婧 摄

FJSEN news on April 16th(FJSEN reporter Zhuang Yujing) On April 15th, 2023 Fujian EVO 3D creative ad by Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism was officially released at the LED big screen outside of Telecom Building, Dongjiekou Area, Fuzhou. 

东南网4月16日讯(本网记者 庄宇婧)4月15日,由福建省文化和旅游厅推出的2023年福建裸眼3D创意宣传片在福州市东街口电信大楼户外大屏正式发布。