A Decade Deal between Golden Rooster Awards and Xiamen and Release 2023 Awards in Early November

金鸡与厦门订下十年之约 今年奖项11月上旬颁出

Xiamen Promotion of Culture and Film Industry was held at the Press Center of Gehua Hotel, Beijing. (Photo by reporter Lin Minhong)

厦门文化影视产业推介会在北京歌华酒店新闻中心召开。(记者 林铭鸿 摄)

Xiamen Daily report from Beijing(special reporter Guo Rui) China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival and China Golden Rooster Awards have been holding in Xiamen for a successive decade, which will promote a profound integration between film festival and Xiamen film industry, establish new landmark Golden Rooster+Xiamen, make China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival a National Name Card, develop Xiamen into a new highland of China's film in new era, and assist China's film industry heading for another achievement. 

厦门日报北京讯 (特派记者 郭睿)中国金鸡百花电影节暨中国电影金鸡奖颁奖典礼连续十年长期在厦门举办,将进一步推动电影节与厦门影视产业深度融合,打造“金鸡+厦门”电影新标杆,更好地擦亮中国金鸡百花电影节这一“国家名片”,把厦门建设成新时代中国影视发展新高地,助力中国电影事业从“高原”向“高峰”迈进。