The Blooming Wild Chrysanthemum in front of Huaiyuan Building of Fujian Tulou's Nanjing Attraction


FJSEN news on April 16 (Fujian Daily reporter Lin Hui, Xiao Weihong) Recently, the blooming wild Chrysanthemum in front of Huaiyuan Building of Fujian Tulou(ie. Earth Building)'s Nanjing Attraction attracted groups of tourists to come and enjoy the Unesco World Heritage Site and its beautiful scenery. In 2023, Nanjing Tulou tourism market shows positive growth and in the 1st quarter, the county received 1.3 million visitors and reached tourism avenue 1.5 billion, the two statitics showed more than 20 percent growth to last year.   

东南网4月16日讯(福建日报记者 林辉 肖玮鸿)连日来,福建土楼南靖景区怀远楼前成片野菊花盛开,吸引不少游客前来领略世遗风光和自然美景。今年以来,南靖土楼旅游市场迎来强劲复苏。一季度,南靖全县旅游接待人数130万人次,实现旅游收入15亿元,两项数据同比增长均超20%。