Holding International High Mountain Trekking Competition and Foreign friends thumb up for Quanzhou: Wonderful Mountain, People and Environment

国际高山徒步大赛举办 国际友人赞泉州:山好、人好、环境好

At the event. Photo by FJSEN reporter Shi yuanqi

活动现场。东南网记者 施远圻 摄

Foreign friends attending the Competiton. Photo by FJSEN reporter Shi Yuanqi. 

国际友人参加比赛。东南网记者 施远圻 摄

FJSEN news on April 16 (FJSEN reporter Shi Yuanqi) In the morning of April 16th, 2023 International High Mountain Trekking Competition and Eco Action Trip of Rurual Revitalization and Mountains and Seas Union was held in Chenxiang Village, Yongchun County, Quanzhou, which attracted more than 1500 trekking fans at home and abroad to come and join in the Competition. 

东南网4月16日讯(本网记者 施远圻)今天上午,2023国际高山徒步大赛暨乡村振兴山海联盟环保行在泉州市永春县呈祥乡举办,来自国内外1500多名徒步爱好者参加。