Fujian Acrobatic Troupe Held Charity in Chinese Spring Festival in 2023 in the topic of Auspicious Rabbit Brings in Good Fortune

“福兔呈祥 福满乾坤”福建省杂技团2023新春公益宣传演出活动举行

FJSEN report on January 24th(FJSEN reporter Cai Lijie) On January 23rd, Fujian Acrobatic Troupe held Charity in Chinese Spring Festival in 2023 in the topic of Auspicious Rabbit Brings in Good Fortune in Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, Fuzhou. The activity puts Fujian acrobatics with folk culture, making the audience aware of the importance of civilized life as well as life safety while presenting cheerful performance on the theme of “Civilized Travel Goes with Safe Trip”.

东南网1月24日讯(本网记者 蔡丽洁)1月23日,“福兔呈祥 福满乾坤”福建省杂技团2023新春公益宣传演出活动在福州三坊七巷举行。本次活动结合福建杂技艺术与民俗文化的形式,围绕“文明旅游 安全出行”进行主题宣传,为群众献上欢乐祥和的新春之礼的同时,拉好文明安全的守护绳。

Fujian Acrobatic Troupe Held Charity in Spring Festival in 2023 in the topic of Auspicious Rabbit Brings in Good Fortune (photo by the organizer)

“福兔呈祥 福满乾坤”福建省杂技团2023新春公益宣传演出活动举行(主办方供图)

Fujian Acrobatic Troupe Held Charity in Spring Festival in 2023 in the topic of Auspicious Rabbit Brings in Good Fortune (photo by the organizer)

“福兔呈祥 福满乾坤”福建省杂技团2023新春公益宣传演出活动现场(主办方供图)

Fujian Acrobatic Troupe are popularizing and promoting art.(Photo by the organizer)
