Wondering in Spring Flowers


During the days of Chinese Spring Festival, the plums are in full bloom and attracted visitors from all directions to pay a visit in the ancient village in Peitian, Liancheng County. In the photo, visitors are enjoying the beauty of plums in Dafudi of Peitian. Photo by Fujian Daily correspondent Xiang Huazong.  

春节期间,连城县培田古村落梅花争芳斗艳,引来四面八方游客前来赏梅。图为游客在培田大夫第前观赏梅花。福建日报通讯员 项华宗 摄

During the days of Chinese Spring Festival, the plums are so fragrant and snowy that its blooming attracted a large number of visitors. Yongtai County has developed 50,000 mu(abt. 3333 hectares)plum trees and become distinctive business in rurual vitalization that it is the prime vendor in Fujian Province. Photo by Fujian Daily reporter Lin Xi,

春节假期,福州市永泰县青梅花盛开如雪、幽香芬芳,吸引不少游客前来游玩。永泰县是福建省青梅主产区,当地因地制宜种植的5万亩青梅逐渐发展成为乡村振兴特色产业。福建日报记者 林熙 摄