Accelerating the Integrity on Domestic and Foreign Trade in Fujian as Being on the List of National Pilot Areas

入选全国试点地区 福建内外贸一体化提速

FJSEN report on January 28th(Fujian Daily reporter Zhen Huang) Recently, Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and other ministries officially released the list of Pilot Areas of the Integrity on Domestic and Foreign Trade, on which Fujian (and Xiamen) and other 8 provinces are listed.The Pilot Area aims at shaping a set of experience and mode to duplicate and promote, by means of promoting innovation on important fields and processes, in orde to set it as an example and accelerate the development of the integrity of domestic and foreign trade.  

东南网1月28日讯(福建日报记者 郑璜)近日,商务部等14部门正式公布了内外贸一体化试点地区名单,包括福建(含厦门市)在内的九省市入选。试点地区将通过推进重点领域、重点环节的改革创新,形成一批可复制推广的经验和模式,为促进内外贸融合发展发挥示范带动作用。