Fujian Tourism Revenue Reached over 13.6 Billion yuan


“God of Fortune arrives on the fifth day of Chinese New Year”folk parade in Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, Fuzhou. Photo by Lin Shanchuan

1月26日,在福州三坊七巷,“正月初五迎财神”民俗巡游队伍在巡游。林善传 摄

FJSEN report on January 28th(Fujian Daily reporter Guo Bin) News from  Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism that according to the 3rd party statistics, Fujian province received 20,8779 million people during the days of Chinese Spring Festival, as an increase of 25.4 percent to last year. A total tourism revenue of 13.655 billion yuan(abt.2.02 Billion dollars) is an increase of 78 percent to last year. Accordingly, the two indicators shows a recovery to 98.8 percent and 102.9 percent to the same period in 2019.

东南网1月28日讯(福建日报记者 郭斌)记者从省文旅厅获悉,据第三方测算,2023年春节假期全省累计接待游客2087.79万人次,同比增长25.4%;累计实现旅游收入136.55亿元,同比增长78.0%。按可比口径,上述两项指标分别恢复到2019年同期的98.8%和102.9%。