Provincial High-Tech Industrial Zone Established in Xiamen Maritime High-Tech Industrial Park


FJSEN report on January 25th(Fujian Daily reporter Li Ke) Recently, The People’s Government of Fujian Province released offical paper on the agreement of establishing Provincial High-Tech Industrial Zone in Xiamen Maritime High-Tech Industrial Park.

东南网1月25日讯(福建日报记者 李珂) 日前,省政府发文批复同意厦门海洋高新产业园设立省级高新区。

Owing to great maritime resources and its economy, Fujian province makes maritime industry a special and important role in Fujian’s high-quality development. The Provincial High-Tech Industrial Zone will be an important platform to present a big,strong and good-quality maritime economy and a great province of maritime industry. Until now, there are 4 provincial high-tech industrial zones-- Wupin of Longyan, Nanpin, Quanzhou Semi-Conductor, Xiamen Maritime-- in Fujian province.
