Warm Current to Xiamen Tourism Market


Fujian Daily report(Lin Liming, Lin Zegui) A report by Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism says that many cultural and tourist enterprises, who were invited by the Bureau, exclusively promoted more than 500 cultural and tourist products during the days of Chinese Spring Festival. It aimed at motivating tourism industry with the powerful culture, and the market shows positive feedback that a large number of tourists visited tourist resorts that  reached its peak time.Also, a warm current shows in  primary tourism economic indicator in the realm of tourists reception and tourism revenue, etc. 

本报讯 (林丽明 林泽贵) 厦门市文化和旅游局1月28日披露,今年春节期间,厦门市文旅部门组织各文旅企业创新推出500多款文旅产品,以文化赋能旅游产业复苏,旅游市场回暖势头强劲,各大景区景点迎来客流高峰,旅游接待人数、旅游收入等主要旅游经济指标迎来强劲复苏。