A Bowl of "Mazu Noodles" Shows the Deepest Wishes of Meizhou Island People (2)


In the local, when people entertain guests, there is a must dish named Mazu noodles, which is full of their deep feelings for the sea.


Over time, with the continuous spread of Mazu culture, coastal people gradually called this bowl of noodle "Mazu noodles", which symbolizes "peace and harmony", and it has become an indispensable food for Putian people to celebrate the birthday for family and friends, give a farewell dinner, celebrate festivals, and entertain guests. In 2009, Mazu peace noodles of Putian was included in Putian's second group of intangible cultural heritage list.


          Mazu noodles (Photo by Reporter Lin Chunsheng)  

                         妈祖面(林春盛 摄)

A bowl of "Mazu noodles" seems quite ordinary, but it is the most simple and ardent expectations of Meizhou Island people for life. Born for the sea and show respect towards the sea. Mazu who has been admired by people of Meizhou Island is like that, so are the "Mazu noodles" that were served at festivals. 
