A Bowl of "Mazu Noodles" Shows the Deepest Wishes of Meizhou Island People (1)


Meizhou Island, Putian (Photo provided by Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism)

                莆田湄洲岛(福建省文化和旅游厅 供图)

By the river, at the sea, Meizhou Island of Putian is a shining pearl between the mountains and the sea.


Here there are mountains in the water, seas outside the mountains, the mountains and the sea are connected, and the blue sea, golden sand, green forest, strange stones and temples are integrated.


Mazu Temple, Putian (photo provided by Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism)

              莆田妈祖庙(福建省文化和旅游厅 供图)

Here is a strong atmosphere of Mazu culture, is the location of Mazu ancestral temple, is the birthplace of Mazu culture......


Mazu, Putian (photo by Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism)

               莆田妈祖(福建省文化和旅游厅 供图)

When I came to Meizhou Island, what I felt most was people's awe of the sea.


Hand-made Mazu noodles(Photo by Meizhou Island Media Convergence Center)
